Ferric Belt Metal Processing Engineering Factory

This factory is engaged in metal processing activity. It uses various metal working machines (shearing, bending, stamping, twisting, heat forge, embossing, and welding). Among the products, steel bridges panels and formworks, irrigation gates, steel buildings, electric pole, wrought iron products, rails and gates for buildings and various steel structures and furniture are included.

First phase of production
Ferric belt is established in 2010 with 12 million birr initial capital and it acquired 5000m2 lands in Alemgena industry area (20km from Addis Ababa). Production activity of phase I of the total project has started in 2004. ((Attached please find license Ferric Belt Annex IV)
This factory is engaged in metal processing activity. It uses various metal working machines (shearing, bending, stamping, twisting, heat forge, embossing, and welding…). Among the products, steel bridges panels and formworks, irrigation gates, steel buildings, electric pole, wrought iron products, rails and gates for buildings and various steel structures and furniture are included.

Current status of the factory
From the 5000m2 area it acquires in its phase one plan around 1000m2 is already built up for the above listed production activity. The capital has grown to more than 20 million birr sales 40,000.000.00 birr and there are around 84 permanent and 100 contract workers.

Vision: Being the leading metal precision engineering producing company in the Horn of Africa and help in achieving the country’s goal of becoming among the middle income countries by the year 2020 E.C.

Mission: Production and supply of engineered metal products that are needed for the country’s infrastructure, and help in transforming the agriculture led economy to the industry led economy by producing quality product, up to global standard, through creative thinking and aiming the practical national problem and solving through creative and cost efficient means.

Export Incentives

The Fiscal incentives given to all exporters will the following:
With the exception of few products (e.g. semi-processed hides & skins, no export tax is levied on export products of Ethiopia
Duty draw back Scheme: it offers investors an exemption from the payment of customs duties and other taxes levied on imported and locally purchased raw materials used in the production of export goods. Duties and other taxes paid are drawn 100 % at the time of the export of the finished goods.
Voucher scheme: A voucher is a printed document having monetary value which is used in lieu of duties and taxes paid on imported raw material. The beneficiaries of the vouchers scheme are also exporters.
Exporters are allowed to retain and deposit in a bank account up to 20 % of their foreign exchange export earnings for future use in their operation of their enterprises and no export price control is imposed by the National bank of Ethiopia.
Franco valuta import of raw materials is allowed for enterprises engaged in export processing.

Our plan
Our company has made a detailed study of the sector’s attractiveness and feasibility study to invest in farm machine and implement manufacturing plant. From this study we found that it is a profitable and attractive sector to engage.
We are planning to assemble various tractor implements locally by importing core (main) parts and making the rest here.

The following are list of farm machines we plan to produce
Tractor Driver
-Mounted Plough
-Mounted Ridge
-Mounted Harrow
-Mounted Planter (Spreader)
-Mounted Leveler
-Mounted Cultivator and Related
- Mounted Trailer
Spare Parts For Tractor Implements And Tractors.
We are looking for partners experienced in these implement manufacturing and willing to invest jointly in establishing the factory here in Ethiopia.
-we can contribute financially 50 % and more
-we can arrange the land; facilitate the establishment process and legal issues
-we can also handle the marketing part.

Contact information
Address- Alem Gena town Industry zone
P.O.Box: 28954
Tel: +251 113 383 675
Fax: +251 113 383 676
E-mail:- ferricbelt@ymail.comhast@ethionet.et
Abdella Yesuf (Factory Head) Mobile: +251 91 150 5642
Seid Hassen Hamza [ General manager] Mobile: +251 91 120 83 77

contact us
Write us a message
Addis Ababa Ethiopia,
Addis Ketema sub city

woreda :01,House No: 611
SEID HASSEN [general manager] – MOBILE: 0911 20 83 77
MOHAMMED HASSEN [assisting manager] mobile: 0911 22 12 94, 0911 23 80 72
+251- 112-75- 82-74
+251- 112-75- 82-75/76